Pasture Weeds

Buttercups are a herbaceous perennial that tend to be opportunistic, coming up in thin or bare spots where pastures have been over-grazed. While horses tend to avoid eating them (which is good, since they’re toxic), they take up space and nutrients that could be used to support forages your horses can eat. Although most folks notice Buttercups this time of year, the best time to apply herbicide is in late February or March, when they first start to grow (products containing 2,4-D and dicamba are very effective at this time). Keep in mind that spraying is really a short-term Band-Aid -- the best way to prevent buttercups is to have a thick, healthy stand of grass. If you’re interested in learning more about pasture management and weed control, sign up for the Equine Forage Webinars held Thursday evenings each week at 7pm from now through June 18th: